[S5E7] No Mushroom For Error
Xisumavoid had a massive volcano base that was surrounded by artificial biomes on the outside, but it was never completed. It is presumed that his main goal was to remove every piece of mycelium from the mushroom biome.
[S5E7] No Mushroom for Error
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Maura is Alice (in Wonderland). The Boy is the dormouse, who says to feed your head. The dormouse line is missing from the opening credits, though the rest of that verse is included.The line about hookah smoking caterpillars plays when Daniel reveals the scarab in his hand- he is the keeper of the scarabs, part of the strangeness in this world, but there are also mushrooms moving your mind low. Alice knows about the mushrooms. Daniel is also shown during the men on the chessboard line- he has more control than most on the ship.
Johnny Red always wanted to be a scientist and work for NASA when he grew up. After several academic mishaps, Johnny is stuck in his suburban Pennsylvania town. When all other means of impressing the local community fail, Johnny decides to build a functioning time machine. Instead of using correct science, Johnny decides to base all of his research on action-adventure films of the 1980s and '90s. Only his girlfriend, Penny, and a five-year-old neighbor believe in him. Johnny is humiliated on the news, and discouraged by his old physics professor Howard Lorington. Lorington doesn't want Johnny to fail, he simply wants him to use real science instead of science-fiction. After Penny helps Johnny to see the error in his ways, he goes back to the professor to get the right scientific information. Working through the night, Johnny applies what he has learned from Lorington and is ready to launch the next day. He is greeted by hundreds of local residents who have come out to see their new hero.
Los Trabajadores tells the stories and day-to-day experiences of mushroom farm laborers from Kennett Square and Reading, and examines their efforts to improve working and living conditions through organizing. El Comite de Apoyo a Los Trabajadores Agricolas (CATA) is a migrant farmworker organization that is governed by and comprised of farm workers who are actively engaged in the struggle for better working and living conditions. 041b061a72