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Patrick Martin
Patrick Martin

Principles And Practice Of CRIMINALISTICS: The ...

Analysis of the scientific opinions allowed formulating principles of forensic expertology as an independent science that is the basis of forensic expert activity. Principles of forensic expert activity are highlighted, their correlation with scientific principles is determined. Contents of each principle are disclosed and own understanding of advisability of their application is presented. The basic principles of forensic expertology are determinism, objectivity and systemacy. The principle of determinism embracing the principle of historicism consists in examining the subject of forensic expertology from the point of view of dialectical interconnection regularities and interconditionality of processes arising while performing expert research. The principle of objectivity consists in establishing regularities of forensic expertology solely on the basis of the object research using special knowledge, regardless of social, political and other processes that occur in society. The systemacy of forensic expertology, like any other science, consists in considering its separate components as a single whole, a system of knowledge. On the basis of legislation analysis and scientific opinions, authors determined that the principles of forensic expert activity are also legality and independence. The principle of legality is that officials who are subjects of expert activity are obliged to meet legislation requirements in strict conformity with their content. The principle of expert independence should be understood as absence of interference in him activities of any other person. Analyzing principles of forensic science, authors come to the conclusion about pointlessness of fixing of principles of expert activity in legislative acts, namely in the Аrt. 3 Laws of Ukraine On forensic science. Principle of legality is stopped up in Constitution of Ukraine, procedural norms expert activity is expounded in many Codes and Laws of Ukraine. Superfluous duplication in this case is unnecessary.

Principles and Practice of CRIMINALISTICS: The ...

Heretofore the issue of quality in forensic science is approached through a quality management policy whose tenets are ruled by market forces. Despite some obvious advantages of standardization of methods allowing interlaboratory comparisons and implementation of databases, this approach suffers from a serious lack of consideration for forensic science as a science. A critical study of its principles and foundations, which constitutes its culture, enables to consider the matter of scientific quality through a new dimension. A better understanding of what pertains to forensic science ensures a better application and improves elementary actions within the investigative and intelligence processes as well as the judicial process. This leads to focus the attention on the core of the subject matter: the physical remnants of the criminal activity, namely, the traces that produce information in understanding this activity. Adapting practices to the detection and recognition of...

CRJU 321. Criminalistics Credits 3.00 PeopleSoft Course ID 012901 This course introduces student to crime scene investigation and the major disciplines of modern forensic science. Topics include an examination of the historical background of forensic science in the criminal justice system, an assessment of general principles of the current practice of forensic science, examination of the role of expert testimony and likely interaction(s) of the forensic scientist with other individuals and components of the criminal justice system. Prerequisite(s): For Criminal Justice minors: JUST 210 or CRJU 215 . For Justice Studies majors: JUST 200 and one other 200-level JUST course, excluding JUST 225 . Or permission of instructor.

CODES AND GUIDELINESAAFS American Academy of Forensic Sciences (Article II: Code of Ethics and Conduct) -bylaws#Art2 ABC American Board of Criminalistics (Rules of Professional Conduct) ABFDE American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (Code of Ethics and Standard Practices) (Code of Conduct for Officers, Directors, Committee Members and Others Acting in an Official Capacity) ABFT American Board of Forensic Toxicology =com_content&view=article&id=56&Itemid=65 ACSR Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction (Bylaws, Article 8, Code of Ethics) -of-ethics AFTEAssociation of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners (Code of Ethics, Enforcement of the Code of Ethics) _codeofethics.htm ANZFSS Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society (The Code of Ethics) _of_ethics.htm ASCLD C American Society of Crime Lab Directors (Code of Ethics) ASCLD G American Society of Crime Lab Directors (Guidelines for Forensic Laboratory Management Practices) ASCLD/LABASCLD/Laboratory Accreditation Board (Guiding Principles of Professional Responsibility for Crime Laboratories and Forensic Scientists) ASQDE American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (Code of Ethics) CAC California Association of Criminalists (Code of Ethics, Code of Ethics Enforcement) CIS Canadian Identification Society > By-Laws > Rules of Professional Conduct CSDIAI California State Division of the IAI CSFS Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences (Code of Conduct) -of-conduct ENFSI European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (Code of Conduct) =191 FSReg Office of the Regulator, UK -science-regulator1/codes-conduct-practice?view=Binary IAAI International Association of Arson Investigators _Membership/l_Code-of-Ethics.aspx NAME National Association of Medical Examiners =com_content&task=view&id=134&Itemid=29 FSS-UK Forensic Science Society (United Kingdom) (The Code of Conduct) IABPA Int'l Assoc. of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (Article III: Code of Ethics) -09-08.pdf IAIInternational Association for Identification (Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct)(August 2011 version not yet posted) MAAFS Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (Code of Ethics) - no link found(members only) MAFS Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (Code of Ethics) =codeofethics NEAFS Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists (Code of Ethics) NJAFS New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists _files/NJAFS_BY_LAWS.pdf NWAFS Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists (proposed Code of Ethics) RMABPA Rocky Mountain Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (membership application, p. 2) SAFS Southern Association of Forensic Scientists (Bylaws: Ch. I, Section 5.c; Ch. IV, Section 2.a) SCAFO Southern California Association of Fingerprint Officers _of_ethics/default.html SMANZFL Senior Managers Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Laboratories SOFT Society of Forensic Toxicologists SWAFDE Southwestern Association of Forensic Document Examiners Accessible on line only by members SWAFS Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (Article 13: Code of Professional Conduct) SWFS Society for Wildlife Forensic Science -ethics TIAFT The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists LAWYERS' RULES OF CONDUCTABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct: _toc.htmlCA Rules of Professional Conduct _CODE.HTM CLASSES "Ethics in Forensic Science" Carolyn Gannett, California DOJ California Criminalistics Institute =170"Ethics in Forensic Science"Robin Bowen, West Virginia University on-line semester class _Science/Ethics.html"To Hell and Back: The Ethics of Stewardship and the Stewardship of Ethics"and "Answering the NAS: The Ethics of Leadership and the Leadership of Ethics,"Paul Voss, RTI Forensic Science Education, short (60-90 minutes) on-line courses WORKSHOPS AND PRESENTATIONS BOOKS"Ethics for the Public Service Professional," Dutelle, CRC Press"Ethics in Forensic Science," Downs and Swienton, ed., Waltham, MA, Academic, 2012"Ethics in Forensic Science, Professional Standards for the Practice of Criminalistics," Pete Barnett, CRC Press, 2001"Ethics and the Practice of Forensic Science," Robin Bowen, CRC Press, 2010"Scientific and Legal Applications of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation," Stuart James, ed., CRC Press, 1999Chapter 6: "Legal and Ethical Aspects of Bloodstain Pattern Evidence," Carol Henderson"Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and Swindles: Failures of Ethics in Leadership" Matulich S, Currie DM, CRC Press, 2008 OTHERThe Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics - Forensic Science Ethics: FRAUDSCorpus-Delicti Frauds Truth in Justice SHOWSDateline's "In the Dead of Night" on David Kofoed Minutes on FBI's bullet lead technique, "Evidence of Injustice," Sept. 15, 2008 , Episode 18, "Fire Scientist Questions Arson Finding" -scientist-questions-arson-finding LAWYER SEARCHMartindale Hubbell Ratings, -Lawyers-and-Law-Firms.aspxState Bar of California Lawyer Search RESPONSE TO THE NAS REPORTSubcommittee on Forensic Science legislation by Sen. Leahy, 12/20/10 _12-22-10.pdf WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION ACT California Whistleblower Protection Act, (800) 952-5665:

Over the last 40 years, restorative justice theory has informed criminal justice policies to reduce recidivism, address the needs of victims, and improve public safety within communities. The principles of the theory have been applied to prison rehabilitation programs and conflict resolution initiatives in schools and social service agencies. The application of restorative justice in criminal cases allows victims to testify at sentencing hearings about the impact of the crime on their lives and gives them a role in the decision-making process to hold offenders accountable. 041b061a72


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